Author: Eliza Ward

Eliza Ward is a health enthusiast, nature lover, and full-time mother for 3 lovely kids in South Africa. She has always had a thing for improving the lives of the elderly and has the best product recommendations for all her friends and family. So she turned what she loved into her full-time job – by testing and recommending the best products for senior citizens. Read her reviews to know how detailed her observations are.

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Latest Articles by Eliza Ward
Oral Hygiene Tips for Seniors
Seniors should always pay attention to dental and oral care, especially those with teeth. Plaque can quickly build up on a senior’s teeth, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.…
Laptop For Seniors
Best Laptops for Seniors
As we age, certain aspects of life, including technology, can present unique challenges. This is particularly true for seniors, who often have specific needs when it comes to using devices…
Upright Walker for Seniors
Upright Walkers for Seniors
Walking and mobility issues are very common among elderly people. Having difficulty moving around can have a great impact on their lives. We recommend the best upright walkers for seniors…
Recumbent Exercise Bike for Seniors
Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes for Seniors
Getting good exercise and maintaining your health generally increases as you age. Not a form of exercise may be suitable or even possible for an elderly person to perform. Cardio…