Best Balance Exercises for Seniors

Ordinarily, being young and healthy, we tend to take our balance for granted.

Yet, as you get older, you will notice that your balance declines rapidly.

As we age, the consequences of losing our balance become more severe, often leading to serious injuries from falls.

Engaging in exercises that enhance strength and balance is a key strategy in preventing falls due to balance issues in older age.

Why are Balance Exercise’s Good for Seniors

But first, let us look at why Balance Exercises are so essential for senior persons in the first place;

  • Falling – One of the most common and vital reasons is to prevent FALLING. When you get older, many factors contribute to falling. Your vision may decrease, your hips and legs weaken, you have a proper posture, you lose your ability to lift your legs and feet high, medications cause dizziness, and low blood sugar can lead to lightheadedness. A proper balance can greatly reduce your risk of falling with all these issues.
  • Difficulty Regaining Balance – Much of the decline in Balance in elderly persons is due to the lack of exercise or activity in their lifestyle. Training will improve your lower and upper body’s strength, challenging your Balance with activities to enhance your balance greatly.

Balance Exercise Checklist

Before we start with our Balance Exercise Routine, there are a few things that you will need to have in place;

  • Armless Chair – You will need a regular armless chair, such as a kitchen or dining room chair, that is stable and solid.
  • Smooth Bottom Shoes – Wear comfortable shoes with a softer bottom that is not tacky, as you don’t want it to catch on carpets and floors, causing you to trip.
  • Kitchen Counter – A counter or Kitchen Counter that is hip height or higher to hold on to.
  • Something to Step Over – A small obstacle, such as a box or stuffed toy, that you can step over.
  • Painters Tape – A strip of painter’s tape or anything encouraging you to walk in a straight line.
  • Something to Stare At – A Book, paper, or picture you can look at while walking.

I recommend having a stable family member or person around to help you lose your balance unless you are more confident in your abilities and balance range.

Balance and Strength Exercise Routines

In the following section, we will provide some videos and effective balance routines. Additionally, we will guide you through these exercises using a checklist of items you will need.

Single Limb Stance – The best way to start is to balance on one leg. Start by holding onto a chair or kitchen counter and lifting one leg. Find your balance and hold it for a few seconds. You can advance by slowly letting go of your grip on the chair until you can finally balance on one leg without holding on to anything. Remember to alternate your legs for balance.

Eye Tracking – In this exercise, you can use your finger or an object and track it with your eyes while moving it side to side. Could you do this standing straight up? This easier exercise helps you focus, which can affect your balance.

Clock Reach – Do this exercise standing up, one arm straight up shoulder-length, and stretched out. Try reaching as far back as possible without falling over. You may need help with this exercise if you need more confidence in your balance capabilities.

Staggered Stance – Use the Kitchen table to support while doing this exercise. You can place one foot forward right in front of the other in a straight line and try to hold your balance without support.

Single Limb Stance With Arm Exercise – In this exercise, you will balance on one leg and lift one arm while focusing at eye level in front of you. The Video gives you a clearer idea of how to perform this activity.

Knee Marching – Use the chair or countertop as support and march on your feet in one spot, lifting your knees as high as possible. This exercise helps you step over objects more easily.

Body Circles – Standing on one spot with your support chair or counter close by, make circles with your entire body, as shown in the video. Keep in mind to stop and sit down anytime you feel dizzy. Try to keep standing in that single spot without moving around.

Heel to Toe Walking – This is a more advanced balance exercise when you are more confident. Use your Tape or object for a straight line. Now, you can try to walk straight, placing one foot straight in front of the other, heel to toe.

The GrapeVine – Holding on to the countertop, walk several steps in one direction, then turn around and walk in the opposite direction. The video will show you how to perform the Grapevine routine more in-depth.

Stepping — This exercise requires more balance and confidence. You can use a step or steps in your home. You climb up the step and the next foot until both feet are on the step and then step down one foot after the other. Repeat this a few times.

Dynamic Walking – For m seniors who have better confidence in their balance, this is where your focus or reading materials come in handy. You will focus on something in front of you while walking forward. I am letting you know that assistance is advised for this exercise.

In Conclusion

By consistently practicing these exercises, you can expect to see a significant improvement in your balance. This progress can be a source of hope and motivation for you on your journey to better balance and overall health.

Remember, it’s not a race. Take your time and don’t rush. If you ever feel unsure or unsteady, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Having a sturdy adult around can provide an extra layer of safety and reassurance if you lose your balance.

About the Author

John Max

John is a certified fitness trainer, writer, and health enthusiast and has worked with people of all age groups. He understands the difference a right product makes towards the fitness and comfort of the elderly. He reads a lot of stuff on the internet to explore and stay updated with the latest advancements in technology for elderly people. John also regularly tests and analyzes the benefits and features of as many senior-specific products as possible. Without a surprise, many of our readers love his reviews and testing style for how thorough and straightforward they are.

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